Jessica Evans was born in 1988 in the small town of Chertsey in England. Her mother was born in Hong Kong and her father is orginally British. They both met whilst her father was away on business in Asia at a dinner party through some friends. After a few months he decided to marry her and moved her mother to England where they had thier first daughter. Jessica is one of three children. Her brother named Tom and sister named Emma. She went to various different primary schools. The first in Australia where they moved due to her father's work and another in a little village called Cookham. She stayed here for ten years after with her family and then attended secondary school. Where she took part in the school dance Competitions and other sporting events for her team 'Mason'. This school team was symbolised by the colour yellow. After school she was lucky enough to go to local horse riding, play private tennis, have piano and swimming lessons. The extra curricluar activity that Jessica excelled at most though was dance. She had been dancing for The Royal Academy
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